
名稱 Siuwan
性別 女 
國藉 香港
分類 模特兒, 攝影/拍片
工作 廣告製作, 報章雜誌, 公開宣傳活動, 禮儀小姐, 影片/電影, Catwalk, 試造型, 私影, 影會活動, 其它
身高 (cm) 156 cm 體重 (磅) 88 lb
三圍 32 23.5 31.5 頭髮顏色 Dark and straight
眼睛顏色 Black 鞋碼 36
紋身 (如有) - 穿洞 (如有) -


Hello everyone! I'm Siuwan, A mixed race individual of Hong Kong and Thai descent, an aspiring model with a passion for fashion and performance. Although I may have limited experience, I possess a strong enthusiasm and a professional attitude to pursue my dreams.

I believe that everyone has their unique charm and style, and I aspire to showcase my personality and beauty through the art of modeling. While my experience in the industry may be limited, I am eager to learn and grow, constantly striving to enhance my skills and expand my professional knowledge.

I have a deep interest in fashion and aesthetics, and I believe this passion will be the driving force behind my success in the modeling industry. I prioritize maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which contributes to my physical well-being and appearance, ensuring that I can always deliver my best performance.

I look forward to collaborating with different photographers, designers, and teams, and being a part of various fashion projects where I can showcase my talent. I believe this journey will be exciting and challenging, and I am ready to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving my modeling aspirations.

Thank you all for listening! I would be honored to be considered for any opportunities or suggestions you may have. Thank you!


私人影會model(KC,AC Workshop)
車會聚會model (FREED 5th Anniversary)
永藝汽車音響product model https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5ODUzMjE4MA%3D%3D&mid=2649964745&idx=1&sn=238f10f0f57998a714ac1e9eaa240275&chksm=becea5f289b92ce48935d2fb4e97b3068b9933b089067464da9de74ab6e7757a7772dfdc0fbd